One of the beautiful characteristics of mine is laziness. And one would think the answer to "How do I stop being so lazy?" would simply be "Get your ass up and do something." I guess that is the answer, but for some reason this is extremely difficult for me.
I grew up in a home where regular chores were not assigned. And when my mom told me (or any of my other siblings) to clean my room, I could usually wait her out until she got so frustrated with how it looked (or maybe smelled) and she would go to town. I would get home from school and she would present it to me and say, "Now keep it this way!" And of course I would give her a big ol' hug and kiss and thank her, and about a week later, it was right back to the mess it was before. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not exactly blaming my mom for this character flaw of mine, but I didn't exactly have a whole lot of motivation to pick up after myself as a child. You've ruined me, MOM!!!! (Just kidding! Love you, Mommy!) :)
Now, let's be honest, I'm almost 26 years old, and expecting my second child. If anyone's to blame at this point, it'd be ME. Unfortunately for me, I decided to go ahead and have some kids, and get married, so now I'm the one picking up after people. (What the hell was I thinking?!) I hate cleaning. HATE IT! And my husband does not "go to town" after I neglect a mess for so long. Believe you me, I have tried. In fact, my husband would really like me to keep up with the house, especially since I'm not working anymore. He really doesn't ask for much from me, so I guess I should at least TRY to make sure he has clean underwear during the week.
Sometimes I really wish I could be one of those perfect little housewives who keep their house spotless at all times. Walkin around the house barefoot and pregnant, keeping everything in tip top shape. I got the barefoot and pregnant part down, but usually it's barefoot and pregnant walkin around with a cupcake. It doesn't help that I can be distracted by, say, a fuzz. According to my doctor, I have attention deficit inattentive disorder. This means that I can get distracted by absolutely nothing at all. Most of the time, I stare off into space, and my mind starts up. When that happens, I'm doomed. My brain goes through thought after thought after thought at the speed of light, and before I realize it, I've wasted an hour, staring, and thinking. This is one of the reasons I write. When I write, I force my brain to SLOW DOWN! It actually can give me headaches to do this, but it feels good to have accomplished something when I'm done. I just have to find a way to slow it down and motivate it to focus on cleaning. This mixed with pure laziness is a recipe for, well, nothing at all.
At least I am aware of this flaw of mine, and so I have no excuses not to try and fix it. Ya know, I may never fix it. I think I've realized that this is just part of who I am. However, I believe I need to throw in some self-discipline to that part of who I am. (Actually I could use some self-discipline in some other areas as well, but that's another blog post.) All I know is it's a good thing I got God, because this is something I'ma need a whole lot of help with. But this is where the cool stuff happens, when you realize you've got something that needs a little bit of tweaking (or a lot of tweaking) and you ask God to change it. He will. I have to do whatever I can, and then back up to let Him do work. Any good change that happens in me is done in exactly that way, and it's pretty awesome to see the results of the creator of the universe taking the time to help me clean up my mess. It'd be nice if He would clean up the mess in the house, but I guess I'll take what I can get.
So, laziness, I'm comin for you! (Mean face)
So much loving it! And we are indeed sisters. So and pregnant with a cupcake and wishing God would clean up the mess in the house too. Hilarious! Now go clean somethin.